Wednesday, April 16, 2008



Remembering You

A distant memory, that's all it is
Wishing past would never change to present
Warmth still lies on my fingertips, it's his
No tomorrow, time together has left

If only his breathless smile would shine
My regrets on the past would disappear
Falling into his arms, our hearts combined
Looking into his eyes, I'd shed a tear

We would hold hands together forever
Try to escape though we knew it couldn't be
Then by parents our last threads were severed
Though over I felt not happy nor free

Because that young boy had stolen my heart
Love lingers but we're forever apart


"Remembering You" is a simple sonnet about two lovers who could not live their lives together because of their parents. This is kind of like a Romeo and Juliet story but much sadder because they do not die after they separate. They must live the rest of their lives in misery wishing that they could see their lover.
I originally made this story because recently there have been many relationship crises among my friends and I wanted to write something about this matter. I wanted to make others understand how hard their life must be now that they have been forever separated. I thought that a forbidden love sonnet would be best suited for their hardships. A love relationship is more serious than relationships that teens have, but a love relationship would be easier to express. My overall point of this sonnet was to encourage others to console their friends when they are going through this type of hardship and be there for them.
In the first stanza I introduce the story of the forbidden lovers. I stated, "A distant memory, that's all it is" to show that something has happened but now it is over. I also introduce a boy who has given me warmth and that his warmth still lingers on me. The reason why I left everything mysterious in the first stanza was to draw readers in and wonder what this sonnet is about. This stanza symbolizes how time goes by whilst locking memories into your mind. In a way, this sonnet could branch in many different ways. That's what makes it mysterious and draws the reader in.
The second stanza then tells us that this sonnet is about a forbidden love. It says that the boy she loved doesn't smile anymore meaning he is sad or depressed. You may also interpret it as him now just not being seen by her at all. Either one is sad and would fit for the sonnet. She has regrets on their past love because they will never be able to see each other happy again. They will both live in despair hopelessly. The third line says that their love drove each other insane. This expresses that when you're in love you do crazy things and when you are in a forbidden love you'll do crazy things and become crazy yourself. Meaning you aren't only crazy for that short time while being in love, you will be insane for the rest of you lives. This line symbolizes that you would be scared by a forbidden love and this scar would be marked by your insanity. Then the last line stats that nobody approves of our love and tells the reader that their love is forbidden. Then by the end of this stanza you understand what this story is about.
The third and fourth stanzas express feelings of their love more. Holding hands can be used a metaphor meaning that they tried to stay together. They did their best to stay together but both of them knew that their relationship would have to come to an end. In the second when I said they were trying to escape they were actually trying to escape from hatred and unhappiness. By being together they would have done this but it wasn't meant to be. In the third line their parents finally severed their last threads. This means that both sides of the family don't want those two together. It suggests that the families have some conflict between each other like the story of Romeo and Juliet. The phrase last threads symbolizes the little thread that bound their hearts together. It is only a thread because their love had been bashed and criticized already that nothing is left but a thin thread. Then we have already established that this love must have been very painful and might have been easier and better if they just separated. I added the fourth line to the third stanza to introduce the last stanza. It lets others know that even if they are no longer bound to each other, they still wouldn't be free or happy because they still love each other very much. They will never be able to escape their past because of the love that still lingers.
Renee Char

A distant memory, that's all it is
I only wish the past was still present
Warmth still lies on my fingertips, it's his
It's something I can't escape, my torment

If only I could see him smile again
My regrets on the past would disappear
The grim love between just made us insane
All against us and everything to fear

We would hold hands together forever
Try to escape though we knew it couldn't be
Then by parents our last threads were severed
Though over I felt not happy nor free

Because that young boy had stolen my heart
Love lingers but we're forever apart


This sonnet is a simple story about two lovers who could not live their lives together because of their parents. This is kind of like a Romeo and Juliet story but much sadder because they do not die after they separate. Then they must live the rest of their lives in misery wishing that they could see their lover.
I originally made this story because recently there have been many relationship crises among my friends and I wanted to write something about this matter. I wanted to try making others understand how hard their life must be now that you have been forever separated. I thought that a forbidden love sonnet would be best suited for their hardships. It is a bit more serious that my friend's relationships but a love relationship is the easiest to portray. My overall point of this sonnet was to encourage others to console their friends when they are going through this type of hardships and be there for them.
In the first stanza I introduce the story of the forbidden lovers. I state that everything was in the past already and that I miss the past. I also introduce a boy who has given me warmth and this warmth that still lingers on me torments me. The reason why I left everything mysterious in the first stanza was to draw readers in and wonder what this sonnet is about. This stanza symbolizes how we are tortured by what is forever in the past and will never be the future. In a way, this sonnet could branch in many different ways. That's what makes it mysterious and draws the reader in.
The second stanza then tells us that this sonnet is about a forbidden love. It says that the boy she loved doesn't smile anymore meaning he is sad or depressed. You may also interpret it as him now just not being seen by her at all. Either one is sad and would fit for the sonnet. She has regrets on their past love because they will never be able to see each other happy again. They will both live in despair hopelessly. The third line says that their love drove each other insane. This expresses that when you're in love you do crazy things and when you are in a forbidden love you'll do crazy things and become crazy yourself. Meaning you aren't only crazy for that short time while being in love, you will be insane for the rest of you lives. This line symbolizes that you would be scared by a forbidden love and this scar would be marked by your insanity. Then the last line stats that nobody approves of our love and tells the reader that their love is forbidden. Then by the end of this stanza you understand what this story is about.
The third and fourth stanzas express feelings of their love more. Holding hands can be used a metaphor meaning that they tried to stay together. They did their best to stay together but both of them knew that their relationship would have to come to an end. In the second when I said they were trying to escape they were actually trying to escape from hatred and unhappiness. By being together they would have done this but it wasn't meant to be. In the third line their parents finally severed their last threads. This means that both sides of the family don't want those two together. It suggests that the families have some conflict between each other like the story of Romeo and Juliet. The phrase last threads symbolizes the little thread that bound their hearts together. It is only a thread because their love had been bashed and criticized already that nothing is left but a thin thread. Then we have already established that this love must have been very painful and might have been easier and better if they just separated. I added the fourth line to the third stanza to introduce the last stanza. It lets others know that even if they are no longer bound to each other, they still wouldn't be free or happy because they still love each other very much. They will never be able to escape their past because of the love that still lingers.

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