Thursday, February 7, 2008

Short Story

Shadowing Holden
I'm 14 years old now. Sometimes I still act like I'm 5. I sort of talk like a baby to my family. They don't really care though. I was always was the little girl in my family anyway. Ironically, when I was 5 or 6, I acted like I was one of those mature adults.
My personality is pretty interesting. I was so mature that when I was 6 that I thought I would grow up to be a psychiatrist. When I gave good advice to my sister, she'd always say, "Wow, you are like a grown woman stuck in a little girl's body."
Now, at home, I'm a little girl stuck in a teenager's body. I sort of go crazy at home. I do really random things like swing my arms all over the place. Sometimes I jump and twirl around just because I feel like it. I think that acting so mature all the time made me miss out on my childhood, and I'm sort of making the time I loss up now I guess.
I only act like a little girl at home though. At school, I still sort of act weird with friends, but for the most part, I am like a regular teenager. I stay up late doing ridiculously difficult assignments and get pimples from the stress. What I miss most about being a kid is probably the no pimples or stress part.
Still my personality gets weirder. Even though at heart I'm still a kid, I want a boyfriend. I don't want any freedom anymore. I think I've gotten too much of it anyways. Looking at hot guys all the time isn't that great. I want to have a relationship already. Even a short one would be nice. I just want to get some experience or something. Quite frankly, I've never been in a relationship. Sort of pathetic right? But getting back to the point, I seem to have a teenager personality at school and a baby personality at home. Well, I don't know what you think, but I think it's pretty bizarre being two different people.
Some girls at my old elementary school dressed like teenagers. I guess they were trying to act older than they were also. It seemed sort of weird at the time that they did that, but now when I look at little 5th graders running around in short shorts and skimpy spaghetti straps, I think it's really disturbing. They all look like they're trying to act sluttish. It's like kids these days are acting 25 or something. Back in my day, we only wanted to be teenagers in high school. The kids are just going to far and their fantasies are making them look like damn cocky kids that don't know how old they are.
It's stupid how when you're little you want to be older and when you're older you want to be younger. I think wanting is a waste of time. Just live life how you are supposed to live it. Little kids should act like little kids and older kids should act like older kids. If you don't live it like that, you'll either turn out like a slut or like me, the totally whack person.